Which of the following best analyzes the ruling Plessy v. Ferguson had on individual freedoms and equal protections?(1 point)


Plessy v. Ferguson established the separate but equal doctrine that segregated Black Americans in public spaces.
Plessy v. Ferguson established the separate but equal doctrine that segregated Black Americans in public spaces.

Plessy v. Ferguson ended segregation between White and Black Americans with the separate but equal doctrine.
Plessy v. Ferguson ended segregation between White and Black Americans with the separate but equal doctrine.

Plessy v. Ferguson established segregation in public transportation based on the constitutionality of the Louisiana Separate Car Act.
Plessy v. Ferguson established segregation in public transportation based on the constitutionality of the Louisiana Separate Car Act.

Plessy v. Ferguson applied the separate but equal doctrine only to public transportation across the U.S.

The correct answer is:

Plessy v. Ferguson established segregation in public transportation based on the constitutionality of the Louisiana Separate Car Act.

The correct answer is:

Plessy v. Ferguson established segregation in public transportation based on the constitutionality of the Louisiana Separate Car Act.

The best answer that analyzes the ruling Plessy v. Ferguson is:

"Plessy v. Ferguson established segregation in public transportation based on the constitutionality of the Louisiana Separate Car Act."

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the key elements of the Plessy v. Ferguson case. Plessy v. Ferguson was a landmark Supreme Court case in 1896 that addressed racial segregation. The case stemmed from a challenge to a Louisiana law known as the Separate Car Act, which required racial segregation on trains.

The court's ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson upheld the constitutionality of the Separate Car Act and established the "separate but equal" doctrine. This doctrine allowed for segregation as long as separate facilities were provided for different races, even though the facilities may not be equal in quality. The ruling effectively legalized segregation in public spaces, including transportation.

Therefore, the answer that correctly analyzes the ruling's impact on individual freedoms and equal protections is the one that states:

"Plessy v. Ferguson established segregation in public transportation based on the constitutionality of the Louisiana Separate Car Act."