Pick two different pictures and explain how the animals have developed specific behavior to increase reproductive success. Remember to use vocabulary to explain your answer.

Pictures: A male peacock with its feathers out to impress a female peacock, and another male peacock walking towards the female peacock as she does the same
A baby black bear and a mama black bear laying on leaves
Elephant creating a wall with a baby elephant in the middle
2 tigers fighting
A bunch of birds flying in the same direction
Answers must be in complete sentences.

1. In the picture of the male peacock with its feathers out to impress a female peacock, this behavior is known as courtship display. The male peacock has developed this specific behavior to increase his reproductive success by attracting a female peacock. The colorful and elaborate feathers of the male peacock are a sign of his genetic quality and fitness, indicating to the female peacock that he would be a good mate to produce offspring with. This behavior is a form of sexual selection, where the female peacock chooses a mate based on certain characteristics that ensure the survival and reproductive success of her offspring.

2. In the picture of the baby black bear and the mama black bear laying on leaves, the behavior displayed by the mama bear is known as maternal care. The mama bear has developed this specific behavior to increase her reproductive success by ensuring the survival and well-being of her offspring. By lying on leaves and providing a warm and secure environment for her baby, the mama bear helps protect the cub from potential predators and harsh weather conditions. This behavior also allows the cub to conserve energy and grow properly, improving their chances of survival and eventual reproduction themselves. Maternal care is a vital behavior in many species as it contributes to the overall reproductive success and survival of the offspring.

Please make it sound like a 7th grader

1. The male peacock in the picture has its feathers all spread out to impress the girl peacock. He's like, "Hey girl, look at me!" This fancy feather display is called a courtship display. The boy peacock does this to increase his chances of making babies. The girl peacock sees his pretty feathers and thinks he's a cool catch. It's like a dating show for peacocks! The boy peacock wants to show off his good genes and prove that he'd be a great dad. So, he tries to impress the girl peacock with his fancy feathers.

2. In the picture with the baby black bear and its mom lying on leaves, the mom bear is taking care of her baby. It's called maternal care. The mom bear wants her baby to grow up strong and survive. So, she made a comfy bed of leaves for the baby bear. The mom bear protects her baby from danger and keeps it warm. This helps the baby bear stay safe and healthy. When the baby bear grows up, it can have babies of its own. Maternal care is super important for animals to make sure their babies live long and have lots of baby bears.

(Note: Since explaining the elephant behavior and the birds flying in the same direction in a simpler way was challenging, I focused on providing simplified explanations for the other two pictures.)

Please make the 2nd paragraph within 110 words

In the picture with the baby black bear and its mom lying on leaves, the mom bear is taking care of her baby. It's called maternal care. The mom bear wants her baby to grow up strong and survive. So, she made a comfy bed of leaves for the baby bear. The mom bear protects her baby from danger and keeps it warm. This helps the baby bear stay safe and healthy. When the baby bear grows up, it can have babies of its own. Maternal care is super important for animals to make sure their babies live long and have lots of baby bears. The mom bear knows what her baby needs and does everything she can to make sure it grows up big and strong.

First Picture: The male peacock with its feathers out, known as the peacock's extravagant courtship display, is a prime example of an animal developing specific behavior to increase reproductive success. By showcasing its vibrant and elaborate feathers, the male peacock is signaling to the female that he is healthy, strong, and genetically fit, which in turn increases his chances of successfully mating and passing on his genes. The female peacock, on the other hand, is naturally drawn to these displays because it allows her to assess the male's fitness and choose the most suitable partner to ensure the survival and quality of her offspring.

Second Picture: In the picture showing a baby black bear and its mother lying on leaves, the behavior exhibited by the mama black bear demonstrates adaptation for reproductive success. The mother bear's choice to rest and provide care for her offspring is crucial for ensuring the survival and well-being of the baby bear. By creating a safe and nurturing environment, the mother bear increases the chances of her cub surviving to maturity and successfully reproducing in the future. This behavior is an example of maternal care, which plays a vital role in the reproductive success of many species, including black bears.

Third Picture: The behavior displayed in the image of an elephant creating a protective wall with a baby elephant in the middle is another example of animals developing specific behavior for reproductive success. Elephants, being highly social creatures, have evolved complex social structures that promote the survival and reproduction of their species. By forming a wall around the baby elephant, the adult elephants provide protection from potential threats and predators, reducing the risk of harm to the young elephant. This behavior ensures the survival and reproductive success of the species by safeguarding the future generation.

Fourth Picture: Two tigers fighting represents a behavior associated with reproductive success called intraspecific competition. Male tigers engage in fierce combat for territory and access to breeding females. The exclusive territory acquired through these fights provides the victorious tiger with better access to mates and resources, enhancing his chances of reproductive success. This behavior demonstrates the strong drive for reproductive supremacy among males, as they battle to secure the opportunity to pass on their genes to future generations.

Fifth Picture: The image of a bunch of birds flying in the same direction illustrates a behavior called flocking or group cohesion. This behavior is beneficial to the reproductive success of birds in several ways. Firstly, flying together in a cohesive group offers increased protection against predators as there are more eyes to spot potential threats. Secondly, it allows individuals within the group to share knowledge, such as locating food sources and suitable nesting sites, which ultimately contributes to better survival and breeding opportunities. Finally, flocking behavior creates a stronger visual display, making it more likely for birds to attract mates and successfully reproduce.

Overall, these pictures demonstrate how animals have developed specific behaviors to increase their reproductive success, showcasing adaptations such as extravagant displays, maternal care, group cohesion, and competition for resources and mates.