
General vocabulary is used to do what?(1 point)

create strong mental pictures
create strong mental pictures

determine the audience
determine the audience

provide specific words
provide specific words

lead the reader to complex ideas

provide specific words

lead the reader to complex ideas

To determine the correct answer to the question, you can read each response option and evaluate whether it accurately describes what general vocabulary is used for.

The first response option, "create strong mental pictures," does not directly address the purpose of general vocabulary. While general vocabulary can contribute to creating mental images, it is not the primary purpose.

The second response option, "determine the audience," also does not accurately describe the purpose of general vocabulary. Determining the audience is more related to audience analysis, which involves understanding the characteristics and needs of the audience to tailor the communication appropriately.

The third response option, "provide specific words," is a possible correct answer. General vocabulary refers to commonly used words and phrases in a language, which are understood by most people. This type of vocabulary provides specific words that are widely known and can be easily understood by a broad audience.

The fourth response option, "lead the reader to complex ideas," does not accurately represent the purpose of general vocabulary. The primary role of general vocabulary is to convey information in a clear and straightforward manner, rather than leading readers to complex ideas.

Based on the evaluation of each response option, the correct answer is "provide specific words."