Choosing Vocabulary Quick Check

3 of 43 of 4 Items
General vocabulary is used to do what?(1 point)

lead the reader to complex ideas
lead the reader to complex ideas

provide specific words
provide specific words

create strong mental pictures
create strong mental pictures

determine the audience

determine the audience

General vocabulary is used to provide specific words.

To answer this question, we need to identify what general vocabulary is used for. General vocabulary refers to words and phrases that are commonly used and understood by most people.

To determine the purpose of general vocabulary, we can look at the provided responses:

1. Lead the reader to complex ideas: This option suggests that general vocabulary helps guide the reader towards more complicated concepts or thoughts. However, this is not the main purpose of general vocabulary, so this response is incorrect.

2. Provide specific words: This option suggests that general vocabulary offers specific words to the reader. While this could be true to some extent, the main purpose of general vocabulary is not necessarily to provide specific words. Therefore, this response is also incorrect.

3. Create strong mental pictures: This option suggests that general vocabulary is used to create vivid mental images in the reader's mind. While general vocabulary can contribute to painting a picture with words, this is not the primary purpose of general vocabulary. So, this response is not the correct answer.

4. Determine the audience: This option suggests that general vocabulary plays a role in identifying or understanding the intended audience. When using general vocabulary, writers and speakers typically choose words that can be understood by a wide range of people, regardless of their background or expertise in a particular subject. Therefore, this response is the correct answer.

So, the correct answer to the question is that general vocabulary is used to determine the audience.