Britney just got a new video game for her birthday. Yesterday, she played for 27 minutes and beat 3 levels. Today, her parents said she can play for 45 minutes.

If she beats levels at the same rate, how many levels should Britney beat today?

To find out how many levels Britney should beat today, we need to determine the ratio of levels beaten to the amount of time played.

Yesterday, Britney beat 3 levels in 27 minutes. This can be represented as 3 levels / 27 minutes = 1 level / 9 minutes.

If she played for 45 minutes today, we can set up a proportion:

1 level / 9 minutes = x levels / 45 minutes.

Cross-multiplying, we get:

9 * x levels = 1 * 45 minutes.

Simplifying, we have:

9x = 45.

Dividing both sides by 9, we find:

x = 45 / 9.

x = 5.

Therefore, Britney should beat 5 levels today.