Kyle had $25 and recieved $50 for his birthday. He went shopping and bought a cd for $15 and a video game for $32. Does he have enough money left to buy sneakers for $38?

Um who ever answered is wrong !!

He spent 47 on the video game and the CD.. that would leave him 28 dollars so he would need 10 to be able to purchase the shoes.

To calculate if Kyle has enough money left to buy sneakers, we need to do the following steps:

Step 1: Calculate the total amount of money Kyle had initially.
Kyle had $25.

Step 2: Calculate the total amount of money Kyle received for his birthday.
Kyle received $50.

Step 3: Calculate the total amount of money Kyle spent on the CD and the video game.
Kyle spent $15 on the CD.
Kyle spent $32 on the video game.

Step 4: Calculate the remaining amount of money Kyle has.
Total amount of money spent = $15 + $32 = $47.
Remaining amount of money = (Initial amount of money + Birthday money) - Total amount of money spent.
Remaining amount of money = ($25 + $50) - $47.

Step 5: Calculate if Kyle has enough money left to buy sneakers.
Compare the remaining amount of money to the price of sneakers.
If Remaining amount of money >= Price of sneakers, then Kyle has enough money left to buy sneakers.
If Remaining amount of money < Price of sneakers, then Kyle does not have enough money left to buy sneakers.

Let's plug in the numbers to see if Kyle has enough money left to buy sneakers.
Remaining amount of money = ($25 + $50) - $47
Remaining amount of money = $75 - $47
Remaining amount of money = $28

Since $28 is greater than $38 (the price of the sneakers), Kyle does have enough money left to buy sneakers.

To determine if Kyle has enough money left to buy sneakers for $38, let's calculate his expenses first.

1. Start with Kyle's initial amount of money: $25
2. Add the money he received for his birthday: $50
- Total money = $25 + $50 = $75
3. Subtract the cost of the CD he bought: $75 - $15 = $60
- Remaining money = $60
4. Subtract the cost of the video game he bought: $60 - $32 = $28
- Remaining money = $28

After buying the CD and the video game, Kyle has $28 left.

Now, let's check if he has enough money to buy the sneakers for $38.

Since $28 is less than $38, Kyle does not have enough money to buy the sneakers.

No, Kyle does not have enough money left to buy sneakers for $38. He spent $47 on the CD and video game, leaving him with only $3.