A soccer game is m minutes long. The game includes 90 minutes plus x minutes of time-outs. Translate the words into an algebraic expression. How long is the game with 8 minutes of time-outs?(1 point)


m=90−x; 82 minutes

x=90−m; 82 minutes

x=90+m; 98 minutes

m=90+x; 98 minutes

1: A (90 + x)

2: A (4s)
3: D (the quotient of 12 and a number D)
4: D (8 less than a number x)
5: A (the sum of the number of visits, x, 20)

To translate the given words into an algebraic expression, we start by recognizing that the total length of the soccer game is 90 minutes plus x minutes of time-outs.

Using variables, we can represent the total length of the game as m minutes, and the equation would be:
m = 90 + x

To find the length of the game with 8 minutes of time-outs, we substitute x with 8 in the equation:
m = 90 + 8

Simplifying the equation, we get:
m = 98

Therefore, the length of the game with 8 minutes of time-outs is 98 minutes.

Therefore, the correct algebraic expression and the length of the game with 8 minutes of time-outs is:
m = 90 + x; 98 minutes