Comparing land use in urban areas and agricultural villages finds that if arable land is scarce, then the sizes of farms and houses are


smaller in urban areas compared to agricultural villages. In urban areas, the limited availability of arable land forces farmers to practice intensive agriculture on smaller plots of land. This leads to smaller farm sizes.

Similarly, in urban areas where the demand for housing is high, the limited availability of land results in smaller house sizes. Urban dwellings are usually compact and take up less land space due to the high population density and the need for efficient land use.

On the other hand, agricultural villages typically have more land available for farming and housing. This abundance of arable land allows farmers to have larger farms and cultivate larger areas for agricultural purposes. Similarly, houses in agricultural villages tend to be larger as there is more space available for residential purposes.

Overall, the scarcity of arable land in urban areas leads to smaller farm and house sizes compared to agricultural villages.