Which public health hazards most directly result from the activities shown? Select the two correct answers

deforestation of arable land

deforestation of arable land

pollution of fresh water sources

destruction of ecosystems

flooding of populated areas

dangerous levels of smog

The correct answers are:

- Destruction of ecosystems: Deforestation of arable land can lead to the destruction of ecosystems, as it disrupts the balance of flora and fauna in the area and can contribute to habitat loss and species extinction.

- Flooding of populated areas: Deforestation can increase the risk of flooding as trees help absorb rainfall and their removal reduces the ability of the land to hold water. This can lead to an increased likelihood of flooding in populated areas.

The two public health hazards that most directly result from the activities shown are: pollution of fresh water sources and dangerous levels of smog.

The public health hazards that most directly result from the activities shown are:

1. Destruction of ecosystems: When ecosystems are destroyed, it disrupts the balance of nature and can lead to the loss of habitat for species, which can increase the risk of diseases spreading from animals to humans. For example, deforestation can lead to an increase in vector-borne diseases like malaria or Lyme disease.

2. Pollution of fresh water sources: When activities like deforestation or industrial pollution occur, they can contaminate water sources, making them unsafe for human consumption. This can lead to waterborne diseases such as cholera or dysentery, which can have significant public health implications.

However, it's worth noting that the options "deforestation of arable land" and "dangerous levels of smog" are repeated, so there may be an error in the provided options. Please clarify if there are additional options to consider.