In Kenya, changes to natural river flows and degraded water quality are MOST LIKELY environmental problems related to


A arable land.arable land.

B hydroelectricity.hydroelectricity.

C industrial waste.industrial waste.

D agricultural chemicals.agricultural chemicals.

E searching for petroleum reserves.

C industrial waste.industrial waste.

To determine the most likely environmental problems related to changes in natural river flows and degraded water quality in Kenya, we need to evaluate each of the given options.

A) Arable land: While changes in natural river flows and degraded water quality can potentially affect agricultural land, it is not the most likely environmental problem in this context.

B) Hydroelectricity: Changes in natural river flows and degraded water quality could indeed be related to the development and operation of hydroelectric power plants. However, without additional information, it is difficult to determine if this is the most likely environmental problem in Kenya.

C) Industrial waste: Industrial waste, especially if not properly treated and disposed of, can have detrimental effects on river flows and water quality. This option is a potential candidate.

D) Agricultural chemicals: The use of agricultural chemicals, such as pesticides and fertilizers, can lead to water pollution and contribute to changes in natural river flows. Thus, this option could be a likely environmental problem.

E) Searching for petroleum reserves: This option seems less likely to be directly related to changes in river flows and degraded water quality, as it refers to oil exploration rather than pollution or alterations of river systems.

Considering the options provided, industrial waste (option C) and agricultural chemicals (option D) are the most likely environmental problems related to the given scenario in Kenya. However, it is important to note that a comprehensive analysis would require more specific information about the situation in Kenya, including factors like industrial activities, agricultural practices, and the state of waste management systems.

The most likely environmental problems related to changes in natural river flows and degraded water quality in Kenya are C) industrial waste and D) agricultural chemicals.