Our knees are a compromise that allow us to be bipedal. More recent ancestors of humans lost the ability to make vitamin C, but we figured out a way to solve this problem with a change in diet.

2 points

cause/effect, problem/solution

you cant pick both

In that case, the suitable structure for the given information would be problem/solution. The problem presented is that more recent ancestors of humans lost the ability to make vitamin C. The solution was found through a change in diet.

The statement you provided involves multiple aspects, so let's break it down using different organizational patterns:

- Cause: The statement implies that our knees are a compromise due to our ability to be bipedal.
- Effect: The effect of this compromise could be that our knees may be more susceptible to problems or injuries.

- The statement suggests a comparison between our bipedal nature and the compromised structure of our knees. It contrasts the advantages of bipedalism with the potential disadvantages related to our knees.

- The statement provides a description of our knees as being a compromise allowing us to be bipedal. However, further details on the specific structure or characteristics of our knees are not provided.

- Problem: The statement mentions that more recent ancestors of humans lost the ability to make vitamin C, which can be seen as a problem.
- Solution: The statement implies that humans found a way to solve this problem by making dietary changes to ensure an adequate intake of vitamin C.

- The statement does not provide a clear sequence of events or steps. However, if we consider the two separate aspects mentioned, we can create a sequence:
1. Humans evolved into being bipedal creatures.
2. More recent ancestors lost the ability to make vitamin C.
3. Humans found a solution to this problem by altering their diet.

Please specify which aspect you would like further explanation on and I will provide more details.