Which statement best explains the purpose of the Great Compromise?

A. The Great Compromise allowed all states to agree on representation in Congress.

B. The Great Compromise gave more power to states with smaller populations.

C. The Great Compromise allowed England to have increased influence on U.S. government.

D. The Great Compromise gave more power to states with larger populations.

A. The Great Compromise allowed all states to agree on representation in Congress.

The correct answer is:

A. The Great Compromise allowed all states to agree on representation in Congress.

The purpose of the Great Compromise was to resolve the debate between the larger and smaller states over representation in Congress. It established a bicameral legislature with a House of Representatives, where representation is based on population, and a Senate, where each state has an equal number of representatives regardless of size. This compromise ensured that both larger and smaller states had a say in the legislative process and helped to promote the unity of the states.