Which statement best explains the purpose of the Great Compromise?(1 point) Responses The Great Compromise gave more power to states with smaller populations. The Great Compromise gave more power to states with smaller populations. The Great Compromise allowed all states to agree on representation in Congress. The Great Compromise allowed all states to agree on representation in Congress. The Great Compromise allowed England to have increased influence on U.S. government. The Great Compromise allowed England to have increased influence on U.S. government. The Great Compromise gave more power to states with larger populations.

The Great Compromise allowed all states to agree on representation in Congress.

The correct statement is: The Great Compromise allowed all states to agree on representation in Congress.

The statement that best explains the purpose of the Great Compromise is: "The Great Compromise allowed all states to agree on representation in Congress." The Great Compromise, also known as the Connecticut Compromise, was an agreement reached during the Constitutional Convention in 1787. It addressed the issue of representation in Congress, specifically how states would be represented in the legislative branch. The compromise combined elements of the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan, which had presented conflicting ideas on this matter. The Virginia Plan advocated for representation based on population, while the New Jersey Plan advocated for equal representation for all states. The Great Compromise resolved this conflict by creating a bicameral legislature. It established the House of Representatives, where representation would be based on population, and the Senate, where each state would have equal representation. This compromise allowed for both small and large states to agree on the structure of Congress, ensuring a balanced and fair representation for all states.