Use the poem to answer the question. Falling gently down, snow blankets the earth tonight Cold, yet so cozy Amy wants to use lines from the following poem in an essay she is writing. Which is the best strategy to help her use lines from the poem? (1 point) Responses summary summary paraphrase paraphrase in-text citation in-text citation direct quote

To determine the best strategy for using lines from the poem in her essay, Amy can consider the context and purpose of her writing. Here's how each strategy can be helpful:

1. Summary: Amy can provide a brief summary of the poem's main idea or themes in her essay, without directly quoting specific lines. This strategy is useful when she wants to capture the essence of the poem, but not its words verbatim.

2. Paraphrase: Amy can rephrase the lines from the poem in her own words, while still conveying the intended meaning. This strategy allows her to incorporate the poem's ideas into her essay more organically.

3. In-text citation: If Amy wants to use the exact lines from the poem, she can include an in-text citation to acknowledge the source. This strategy is appropriate when she wants to provide evidence or support for her claims using the specific wording of the poem.

4. Direct quote: Amy can directly quote the lines from the poem and use quotation marks to indicate the borrowed text. By using this strategy, she can ensure that the poet's words are accurately represented in her essay, which can be important for analyzing specific ideas or language.

Ultimately, the best strategy for Amy depends on her specific essay's requirements, her purpose in using lines from the poem, and how she wants to integrate them into her writing.