Use the poem to answer the question.

The snow drifts into hills of white.
The imprints of his lonely plight
Lie deep beneath the fallen snow,
Lost to all but those who know
The truths that spurred this venture forth
From warmer pasts to its present course,
The words, the deeds, the thoughts untold-
The love that lost to a heart too bold
Reflecting hues of the starless night,
The snow drifts into hills of white
In 3-5 sentences, identify and explain at least two stylistic devices that the poet use

The poet uses repetition to emphasize the accumulation of snow in the form of hills. The phrase "The snow drifts into hills of white" is repeated twice in the poem, creating a sense of visual and sensory imagery.

Additionally, the poet uses enjambment to connect the lines and create a flowing rhythm throughout the poem. This allows the reader to continue reading from one line to the next without pausing, emphasizing the continuity of the snowfall and the deepening of the imprints.

make it sound like a 7th grader and 3 setence

The poet says that snow has piled up into hills of white, and there are marks underneath that only some people know about. He talks about how this person was in love but lost it because they were too bold. The poet says that the snow keeps falling, and it's like everything is buried under it.

The poet uses repetition in the poem. The line "The snow drifts into hills of white" is repeated at both the beginning and end of the poem. This repetition creates a sense of unity and brings attention to the snow as a central theme.

The poet also employs imagery in this poem. The phrases "imprints of his lonely plight" and "hues of the starless night" create vivid visual pictures in the reader's mind. The imagery evokes emotions of solitude and darkness, enhancing the overall tone and mood of the poem.