
In his 1909 correspondence, Gandhi tries to persuade the Russian author to use his influence to popularize the movement in the Transvaal, which he sees as the best of the era in that it is a perfect example of the struggle to make change both in what they are trying to do and how they are doing it. Gandhi notes that he is not aware of a struggle in which the participants will receive nothing for their sacrifices, especially when half have faced enormous trials just for the purpose of an idea. Gandhi, however, had not been able to popularize the struggle, and so he includes with the letter a book containing facts about the circumstances that he hopes will cause Tolstoy to come to the same conclusions about the struggle and decide to use his command of a wide popular audience to promote what would be, if successful, not only a victory for faith, love, and truth over skepticism, loathing, and lies, but also as an example to people across the globe (especially in India) of non-violent struggle.

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