How does the work of Eastern Orthodox missionaries Cyril and Methodius show the influence of Byzantine culture on early Russia?

Russian emperors took the title tsar.

Russian bishops forbade the use of icons.

Russians adopted the Cyrillic alphabet.

Russians began speaking and writing in Greek.

C. Russians adopted the Cyrillic alphabet.

The work of Eastern Orthodox missionaries Cyril and Methodius in early Russia shows the influence of Byzantine culture because they introduced the Cyrillic alphabet, which was based on the Greek alphabet and helped to spread Christianity throughout the region. This alphabet became the basis for the Russian written language and is still used in many Slavic languages today.

Which of the following was a major factor in the decline of the Byzantine empire?

conversion of the Slavs


arrival of invaders

recapture of Rome

C. Arrival of invaders

The decline of the Byzantine Empire was largely due to the arrival of invaders such as the Turks and the Crusaders, who weakened the imperial state and eventually led to its downfall. Other contributing factors include economic troubles, internal conflicts, and the loss of territory to neighboring powers. While conversion of the Slavs and iconoclasm were important events in Byzantine history, they were not major factors in the empire's decline. Similarly, the recapture of Rome by the Byzantine Empire did not have a significant impact on its long-term fate.

Drag and drop words and phrases to complete the sentences.

emperorlegalJustinian’s CodepatriarchreligiousTwelve Tables
The Byzantine empire drew on the long
tradition of the Roman empire. This included the laws and edicts of former Roman emperors as well as laws from the Roman republic, such as the
. One Byzantine
wanted to simplify the laws so he appointed committees to go through the Roman laws and decisions. They produced a unified system of laws known as

The Byzantine empire drew on the long legal tradition of the Roman empire. This included the laws and edicts of former Roman emperors as well as laws from the Roman republic, such as the Twelve Tables. One Byzantine emperor wanted to simplify the laws so he appointed committees to go through the Roman laws and decisions. They produced a unified system of laws known as Justinian’s Code.

Select the boxes to classify the beliefs and practices.

Roman Catholic Church

Eastern Orthodox Church


emperor as head of the church

Holy Bible

Jesus as savior

pope as head of the church

Roman Catholic Church:

- Pope as head of the church
- Holy Bible
- Jesus as savior

Eastern Orthodox Church:

- Emperor as head of the church
- Holy Bible
- Jesus as savior


- Holy Bible
- Jesus as savior

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.

The Great Schism resulted most directly from the

disagreement between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches over the authority of the papacy and the nature of the Holy Trinity.

The correct answer is C. Russians adopted the Cyrillic alphabet. The work of Eastern Orthodox missionaries Cyril and Methodius is a clear example of the influence of Byzantine culture on early Russia.

To understand why the adoption of the Cyrillic alphabet demonstrates this influence, it is important to know a bit about Cyril and Methodius and their mission. Cyril and Methodius were two brothers from Thessaloniki, which was part of the Byzantine Empire. They were sent as missionaries to the Slavic people in the 9th century, particularly to the region that is now known as Russia.

Cyril and Methodius, recognizing the cultural and linguistic diversity of the Slavic people, developed the Glagolitic alphabet, which was the first writing system to be used for Slavic languages. They later modified this alphabet into what is now known as the Cyrillic alphabet, which is still used by many Slavic languages, including Russian.

The Cyrillic alphabet was directly based on the Greek alphabet, with additional characters and modifications to better represent Slavic phonetics. This clearly demonstrates the influence of Byzantine culture on early Russia, as the Byzantine Empire was the center of Greek culture and language.

By adopting the Cyrillic alphabet, the Russians not only acquired a writing system for their language, but they also incorporated elements of Greek culture into their own. This long-lasting linguistic and cultural connection with Byzantium played a significant role in shaping the development and identity of early Russia.