How does the work of Eastern Orthodox missionaries Cyril and Methodius show the influence of Byzantine culture on early Russia?


Russian emperors took the title tsar.

Russian bishops forbade the use of icons.

Russians adopted the Cyrillic alphabet.

Russians began speaking and writing in Greek.

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How does the work of Eastern Orthodox missionaries Cyril and Methodius show the influence of Byzantine culture on early Russia?


Russian emperors took the title tsar.

Russian bishops forbade the use of icons.

Russians adopted the Cyrillic alphabet.

Russians began speaking and writing in Greek.

The answer is C. Russians adopted the Cyrillic alphabet. Cyril and Methodius invented the Cyrillic alphabet to translate religious texts into the Slavic language. This alphabet was based on the Greek alphabet used in the Byzantine Empire and was eventually adopted by the Russian Orthodox Church and became the writing system for the Russian language. This shows the influence of Byzantine culture on early Russia.

The correct answer is C. Russians adopted the Cyrillic alphabet.

Cyril and Methodius were Byzantine missionaries who played a significant role in the cultural and religious development of the Slavic people, including the early Russians. They are best known for creating the Cyrillic alphabet, which is still used today in many Slavic languages, including Russian.

To understand how their work demonstrates the influence of Byzantine culture on early Russia, it's essential to recognize that Byzantium, the Byzantine Empire, had a profound impact on the development of Eastern Europe. This influence extended through various channels, such as religion, language, and the arts.

Cyril and Methodius were sent by the Byzantine emperor to evangelize the Slavic people living in what is now Eastern Europe. They saw the need to create a written script for the Slavic languages, as they believed it was crucial for their conversion to Christianity. As a result, they developed the Glagolitic alphabet, an early predecessor to the Cyrillic alphabet.

The Byzantine cultural influence is evident in this development. The Cyrillic alphabet is named after Cyril, and it was largely based on the Greek alphabet with some modifications to accommodate the specific sounds of Slavic languages. By adopting the Cyrillic alphabet, the Slavic-speaking people, including the early Russians, not only had a written form for their languages but also incorporated elements of Byzantine culture into their own.

In summary, the work of Cyril and Methodius in creating the Cyrillic alphabet demonstrates the influence of Byzantine culture on early Russia. By adopting this alphabet, the Russians incorporated elements of the Greek alphabet, which was an essential aspect of Byzantine culture, into their own language and writing system.