A historical depiction of the mission field in Texas during the era of Spanish colonization. Vividly illustrate a group of dedicated missionaries engrossed in their work of spreading Christianity. Near them, depict a diverse group of First Texans observing and reacting in different ways, illustrating varied levels of success. Also, include Spanish settlers showing an evident acceptance of the teachings, representing the high success with this group. No indication of any text or specific statements should be present.

Which statement best evaluates the overall results of the missionaries’ attempt to bring Christianity to Texas?(1 point) Responses The missionaries were very successful because almost all First Texans converted. The missionaries were very successful because almost all First Texans converted. The missionaries were only mildly successful because very few First Texans converted. The missionaries were only mildly successful because very few First Texans converted. The missionaries were very successful because all of the Spanish settlers converted. The missionaries were very successful because all of the Spanish settlers converted. The missionaries were completely unsuccessful because no First Texans converted.

The missionaries were only mildly successful because very few First Texans converted.

The correct answer is: The missionaries were only mildly successful because very few First Texans converted.

To evaluate the overall results of the missionaries' attempt to bring Christianity to Texas, we need to decipher whether they were successful or not in terms of converting the indigenous population (First Texans) and the Spanish settlers.

Reading the provided options, we can see that the statement "The missionaries were very successful because almost all First Texans converted" repeats twice, and "The missionaries were only mildly successful because very few First Texans converted" is also repeated twice. This could be an error in the options provided.

Based on historical information, it is important to note that the missionaries did have some success in converting the indigenous population, but the extent of this success varied. However, it is not accurate to state that "almost all" or "very few" First Texans converted.

Similarly, the suggestion that "all of the Spanish settlers converted" is also misleading because while some Spanish settlers were likely to have converted, it is highly unlikely that all of them converted.

The most accurate statement among the options provided would be "The missionaries were only mildly successful because very few First Texans converted." This acknowledges that there was some success, but it was limited as not all First Texans converted to Christianity.