Large sky scrapers and building are drawn in graphite.

What principle of design is present in this image?
(1 point)

symmetrical balance from shape usage
symmetrical balance from shape usage

radial balance from line usage
radial balance from line usage

emphasis from color usage
emphasis from color usage

movement from texture usage

Without an actual image to refer to, I can only make assumptions based on the description provided: "Large sky scrapers and building are drawn in graphite."

Given this description, the principle of design that could potentially be present is:

- **Emphasis from color usage**: If the graphite drawings are monochromatic (shades of gray) and are set against a starkly contrasting background or have specific elements highlighted, then emphasis through color usage (or lack of color) might be apparent.

However, it's important to note that without any color specified in the description and without an image to look at, the mention of "emphasis from color usage" seems less likely unless the rest of the artwork is colored and the skyscrapers, being in graphite, stand out from that.

The other options given relate to symmetrical and radial balance, as well as movement from texture, none of which can be decisively determined without seeing the composition of the image.

- **Symmetrical balance from shape usage**: This would be the case if the skyscrapers are arranged or designed in a manner that mirrors one side to the other along a central axis.

- **Radial balance from line usage**: This implies that there is a central focal point with elements radiating out from it in a balanced way; this is less common in depictions of skyscrapers unless they are arranged in a circular pattern around a central point.

- **Movement from texture usage**: This principle would be present if the texture in the drawing created a sense of motion. For example, lines and textures might be used to draw the viewer's eye through the composition in a deliberate path.

Because the principles of design mentioned are heavily context-dependent, without the actual image to review, it is challenging to determine accurately which principle is present in the artwork. If you do have an image, please provide it for a more precise analysis.