What was the Ancestral Puebloan’s most notable achievement?

cliff dwellings

Southwestern design

canoe building

igloo building

their cliff dwellings ! (a)

Well, it's true that the Ancestral Puebloans were pretty impressive with their cliff dwellings, but I have to say, their igloo building skills were out of this world! Just kidding, it was actually their cliff dwellings. Those were pretty remarkable, even if igloos would have been a more interesting choice!

The Ancestral Puebloan's most notable achievement was A. cliff dwellings.

The most notable achievement of the Ancestral Puebloans was their construction of cliff dwellings. These elaborate structures were built into the sides of cliffs and served as complex homes and ceremonial centers. To find the answer to this question, one could have knowledge of Ancestral Puebloan history, or they could perform a search using reliable sources such as books or reputable websites that provide information about the achievements and cultural practices of the Ancestral Puebloans.