Why did some people oppose the spoils system?

A:It was possible that an unqualified person could receive a government job.
B:Women were excluded from being able to vote.
C:It sought to restore tribal lands to certain groups of Native Americans.
D:Immigrants from certain nations were given land grants, but those from other nations were not.

A: It was possible that an unqualified person could receive a government job.

The spoils system, also known as patronage, was a practice in which political parties, after winning an election, gave government jobs to its supporters, friends, and relatives as a reward for working toward victory, and as an incentive to keep working for the party. One of the key criticisms of this system was that it led to government positions being filled by individuals based on their loyalty to the party and their service during the campaign rather than on their qualifications or merit. This could lead to inefficiency and corruption within government operation, as well as a lack of professional administration.