A food surplus is a benefit of farming. Which of the following is a food surplus?

(1 point)

when extra food spoils

when extra food spoils

when people wait in line for food

when people wait in line for food

when families have extra food

when families have extra food

when not enough rain falls to grow food

when families have extra food

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.(1 point)

Uruk's streets were lined with goods that its workshops and farms produced. Therefore, we know that Uruk's complex economy was based on

trade and agriculture

You are unable to lift an object. Which property makes the object difficult to lift

The property that would make the object difficult to lift is its weight.

Bailee explained that when traveling to the moon, he needs to pack light because the weight of objects on the moon is the same as their weight on Earth. The mass of the objects is what changes when the gravitational pull changes. Is Bailee correct in his explanation?

No, Bailee is not correct in his explanation. The weight of an object is dependent on the gravitational pull acting upon it, so the weight would be different on the moon compared to Earth. However, the mass of an object remains the same regardless of the gravitational pull.

Which feature of civilization helps people manage the use of resources?

(1 point)

arts and architecture

arts and architecture

established religions

established religions

social classes

social classes

well-organized governments

well-organized governments

Which development directly allowed for the keeping of records?

(1 point)



job specialization

job specialization

public works

public works

systems of writing