1. You earn $9 per hour babysitting and $4 per hour washing cars.

Modeled by 9b + 4c. Evaluate if you babysit for b=10 hours and wash c=10 cars to find total earnings.

To calculate the total earnings, you would substitute b with the number of hours you babysat and c with the number of cars you washed into the model 9b + 4c.

Given that you babysat for b = 10 hours and washed c = 10 cars, the calculation will be:

Total Earnings = 9b + 4c
Total Earnings = 9(10) + 4(10)
Total Earnings = 90 + 40
Total Earnings = $130

So, if you babysit for 10 hours and wash 10 cars, your total earnings would be $130.