Anthony got a job babysitting. Each hour he works he will be paid $8.00. As a bonus, he will earn an additional $1.50 per hour for each child he watches. If his total hourly rate is $12.50, how many children does he watch?

Write an equation in the form px+q=r to represent this problem.

(2 points)
x +

1.5x + 8 = 12.5

Susan read 17 pages today. That is 8 pages fewer than 13 of the pages she read yesterday. How many pages did she read yesterday?(1 point)

blank pages

Let's assume the number of pages Susan read yesterday is "x".

According to the information given, she read 8 fewer pages today than 13 of the pages she read yesterday.

Therefore, the equation representing this problem is:

x - 8 = 17


Apologies for the error. Let's correct it:

Let's assume the number of pages Susan read yesterday is "x".

According to the information given, she read 8 pages fewer today than 13 times the number of pages she read yesterday.

Therefore, the equation representing this problem is:

13x - 8 = 17


Susan read 17 pages today. That is 8 pages fewer than 1/3 of the pages she read yesterday. How many pages did she read yesterday?(1 point)

Let's assume the number of pages Susan read yesterday is "x".

According to the information given, she read 8 pages fewer today than 1/3 of the pages she read yesterday.

Therefore, the equation representing this problem is:

(1/3)x - 8 = 17

Solving this equation will give us the number of pages she read yesterday.


Apologies for the confusion. Let's correct it:

Let's assume the number of pages Susan read yesterday is "x".

According to the information given, she read 8 pages fewer today than 1/3 of the pages she read yesterday.

Therefore, the equation representing this problem is:

x/3 - 8 = 17

Solving this equation will give us the number of pages she read yesterday.

its the same thing