Which evidence from the passage best supports the claim that service dogs make everyday tasks for many people less difficult?

A “There’s no clear understanding of service dogs” “There’s no clear understanding of service dogs”
B “remember that service dogs are working animals and not pets” “remember that service dogs are working animals and not pets”
C “more and more service dogs are seen in workplaces” “more and more service dogs are seen in workplaces”
D “help people who use wheelchairs, walking assistant devices, and those with balance issues“ “help people who use wheelchairs, walking assistant devices, and those with balance issues“

The evidence that best supports the claim that service dogs make everyday tasks for many people less difficult is option D: "help people who use wheelchairs, walking assistant devices, and those with balance issues." This evidence directly states that service dogs assist with tasks that may be difficult for individuals with physical limitations, thus making those tasks easier for them.