Your teacher asks you to write a paper that supports a claim with evidence. In three to five sentences, describe one claim you would like to make and discuss different forms of evidence you can collect to support your claim. Where would you look for this evidence?(4 points)

make it shorter

make it short

My claim is that the use of technology in the classroom can improve student engagement and academic performance. To support this claim, I can collect evidence such as student surveys, teacher observations, and test scores. I can look for this evidence in the school's records, online research, and interviews with students and teachers.

One claim I would like to make is that climate change is primarily caused by human activities. To support this claim, I would gather evidence from multiple sources. I can start by researching scientific studies and reports that provide data on rising global temperatures, carbon dioxide emissions, and other greenhouse gases. Additionally, I can look for evidence in the form of expert opinions and statements from reputable organizations such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) or National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Furthermore, I can collect evidence from environmental activists and organizations advocating for climate action. Research articles, books, documentaries, and credible news sources are some of the places where I would look for this evidence.

One claim I would like to make is that exercise improves mental health. To support this claim, I can collect various forms of evidence. Firstly, I can look for scientific studies and research articles that have been conducted on the topic, which can provide quantitative data and analysis. Secondly, I can gather personal testimonies and anecdotes from individuals who have experienced improvements in their mental health through exercise. Additionally, I can search for expert opinions and statements from reputable organizations such as the World Health Organization or the American Psychological Association. To find this evidence, I can search academic databases, online journals, books, and reputable websites.