Sam runs a small cosmetics business and employs a variety of different strategies to encourage customers to purchase their products or services. Which one of the 7Ps is being described here?

A process
B people
C place
D promotion

D promotion

is this right

Yes, you are correct. The strategy mentioned in the statement, encouraging customers to purchase products or services, falls under the promotional aspect of the 7Ps of marketing.

The correct answer is D) promotion.

To determine the answer, it is important to understand the 7Ps framework in marketing. The 7Ps are a set of variables that are considered key elements in the marketing mix of a business. They include Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process, and Physical Evidence.

In this case, the sentence mentions that Sam employs strategies to encourage customers to purchase their products or services. This indicates that Sam is actively promoting their business to attract customers. The promotion aspect of the marketing mix refers to activities aimed at communicating the value and benefits of a product or service to the target customers, with the goal of encouraging sales.

To find the answer yourself, you can begin by familiarizing yourself with the 7Ps framework. Once you understand the definitions and components of each of the 7Ps, you can then analyze the information provided in the question and match it to the appropriate category.