What benefit did a standardized currency (money) bring to China

It allowed the government to collect taxes.

It made it easier to trade anywhere in the empire.

It reduced the economic power of warlords.

It increased wealth for all

What is the answer bruh


A standardized currency, or money, brought several benefits to China. Here's an explanation of each benefit:

1. It allowed the government to collect taxes: With a standardized currency, the government could easily impose and collect taxes. This centralized system made it more efficient to track and collect revenue, thus providing a stable source of income for the government to fund various activities such as infrastructure development and military expenditure.

2. It made it easier to trade anywhere in the empire: Having a standardized currency facilitated trade within the empire. Prior to a standardized currency, different regions might have used their own forms of currency or bartering systems, making trade more complicated. However, with a unified system, merchants could now easily exchange goods and services across different regions of China using the same currency, promoting economic growth and integration.

3. It reduced the economic power of warlords: Before a standardized currency, warlords or regional rulers often had their own currencies, which they could manipulate to benefit themselves and exert control over their territories. However, the introduction of a standardized currency undermined their economic power. By having a unified monetary system, the central government could assert its authority and diminish the influence of regional rulers, fostering political stability.

4. It increased wealth for all: A standardized currency helped to stimulate economic growth and create wealth for the entire population. It provided a stable medium of exchange, facilitating trade and commerce. With increased trade and more efficient economic transactions, individuals and businesses had greater opportunities for growth and prosperity.

In summary, a standardized currency in China brought benefits such as enabling tax collection, facilitating trade, reducing the economic power of warlords, and promoting overall economic wealth and prosperity.

of the people.

It promoted economic stability and growth.

It facilitated commercial activities and stimulated domestic and international trade.

It enhanced accountability and transparency in financial transactions.

It improved efficiency in monetary policy implementation and management.

It promoted confidence and trust in the economy.

It reduced the cost and complexity of conducting business.

It facilitated economic integration and unity within the empire.

The answer is that a standardized currency in China did the following:

- It allowed the government to collect taxes.
- It made it easier to trade anywhere in the empire.
- It reduced the economic power of warlords.
- It increased wealth for all of the people.
- It promoted economic stability and growth.
- It facilitated commercial activities and stimulated domestic and international trade.
- It enhanced accountability and transparency in financial transactions.
- It improved efficiency in monetary policy implementation and management.
- It promoted confidence and trust in the economy.
- It reduced the cost and complexity of conducting business.
- It facilitated economic integration and unity within the empire.

I apologize for any confusion. The answer is that a standardized currency in China brought the following benefits:

- It allowed the government to collect taxes.
- It made it easier to trade anywhere in the empire.
- It reduced the economic power of warlords.
- It increased wealth for all of the people.
- It promoted economic stability and growth.
- It facilitated commercial activities and stimulated domestic and international trade.
- It enhanced accountability and transparency in financial transactions.
- It improved efficiency in monetary policy implementation and management.
- It promoted confidence and trust in the economy.
- It reduced the cost and complexity of conducting business.
- It facilitated economic integration and unity within the empire.