Why was the Song dynasty’s shift to paper currency an improvement over coin currency?

Paper currency was cheaper to manufacture.

Paper currency was harder to counterfeit.

Paper currency was more durable.

Paper currency was easier for traveling traders to use.

A, B, and D are all reasons why the Song dynasty's shift to paper currency was an improvement over coin currency. However, C is not accurate as paper currency is not more durable than coin currency. Coins can last for centuries, while paper currency is subject to wear and tear and can easily be destroyed or damaged.

so what is it a b or d

The correct answer is a, b, and d.

To determine why the Song dynasty’s shift to paper currency was an improvement over coin currency, we will consider the provided options. Let's evaluate each option individually to understand its relevance.

Option A: Paper currency was cheaper to manufacture.
Paper currency being cheaper to manufacture may be seen as advantageous, as it reduces production costs. However, this alone does not explain why it was an improvement over coin currency.

Option B: Paper currency was harder to counterfeit.
This option suggests that paper currency was more difficult to forge or counterfeit. This is an important consideration for any form of currency, as it promotes trust and stability in the economic system. Paper currency being harder to counterfeit offers security against economic fraud, making it an improvement over coin currency.

Option C: Paper currency was more durable.
If paper currency is more durable, it would have a longer lifespan and retain its value over time. This would minimize the need for frequent replacement and reduce costs associated with maintaining and handling currency. However, this option does not directly address the advantages of paper currency over coin currency.

Option D: Paper currency was easier for traveling traders to use.
This option suggests that paper currency was more convenient for traders who needed to travel with large amounts of currency. Coin currency can be heavy and bulky, making it difficult to transport larger sums of money. Paper currency being easier to carry would have made transactions and commerce more efficient for traders. Consequently, this convenience could be seen as an improvement over coin currency.

Considering the above analysis, the most relevant reason behind the Song dynasty’s shift to paper currency as an improvement over coin currency is option B: Paper currency was harder to counterfeit. The security it provided against counterfeiting would have fostered trust in the economic system and promoted stability. Additionally, option D: Paper currency was easier for traveling traders to use, is also a valid point as it enhanced convenience and facilitated trade.