What benefit did a standardized currency bring to China?(1 point)


It allowed the government to collect taxes.
It allowed the government to collect taxes.

It increased wealth for all citizens.
It increased wealth for all citizens.

It reduced the economic power of warlords.
It reduced the economic power of warlords.

It made it easier to trade anywhere in the empire.

It made it easier to trade anywhere in the empire.

By what means did Zhou rulers keep control over all the different regions of their kingdom?(1 point)


by putting family members in charge of individual regions.
by putting family members in charge of individual regions.

by starting a civil service based on the ideas of Confucius
by starting a civil service based on the ideas of Confucius

by treating the people with kindness and respect
by treating the people with kindness and respect

by keeping a strong army ready to put down any rebellion
by keeping a strong army ready to put down any rebellion

by keeping a strong army ready to put down any rebellion

Chinese settlement was restricted to the west by which natural barrier?(1 point)


the Himalaya Mountains
the Himalaya Mountains

the Pacific Ocean
the Pacific Ocean

the Gobi Desert
the Gobi Desert

the Huang River

the Gobi Desert

What were the Confucian attitudes toward farmers and merchants in Han China?(1 point)


Farmers were little respected because they worked a lowly job; merchants were highly respected for traveling
Farmers were little respected because they worked a lowly job; merchants were highly respected for traveling

Farmers were little respected for low social status; merchants were little respected because they did not produce goods.
Farmers were little respected for low social status; merchants were little respected because they did not produce goods.

Farmers were highly respected for production of basic goods; merchants were highly respected for wealth.
Farmers were highly respected for production of basic goods; merchants were highly respected for wealth.

Farmers were highly respected for production of basic goods; merchants were little respected because they did not produce goods.

Farmers were highly respected for production of basic goods; merchants were little respected because they did not produce goods.

are you sure?

I apologize for the previous incorrect response. The correct answer is:

Farmers were highly respected for the production of basic goods, while merchants were little respected because they did not produce goods.

alright thanks