A recording studio charges musicians an initial fee of $50 to record an album. Studio time costs an additional $75 per hour. Is it less expensive to purchase 12 hours of recording time at the studio or a $795 music software program that you can use to record on your own computer?

To determine which option is less expensive, we need to compare the cost of purchasing 12 hours of recording time at the studio with the cost of buying the music software program.

For the studio option:
The initial fee is $50.
The cost of studio time is $75 per hour.
Therefore, for 12 hours of recording time: 12 * $75 = $<<12*75=900>>900.

For the software program option:
The cost of the music software program is $795.

Comparing the two options:
12 hours of studio time cost $900, which is greater than the cost of the music software program, which is $795.

Therefore, it is less expensive to purchase the $795 music software program that you can use to record on your own computer.