Esme works as a marketing specialist for a large gaming studio with a sizeable marketing budget. She is establishing a collaboration project between the studio and a well-known food company. Which of the following is an example of Esme’s potential collaboration product?

a box of cereal showing images of the game’s characters and codes for special in-game advantages

branded items available for sale at a mall

promotional items sent to followers on social media

giveaways including codes for special in-game items

a box of cereal showing images of the game’s characters and codes for special in-game advantages

Kylie has a design for a new mobile game and has established a Kickstarter campaign. What criteria must be met for Kylie to receive the funding raised on Kickstarter?

at least 20 investors

the 9 percent fee must be paid

the initial funding goal must be met

at least 100 subscruptions

the initial funding goal must be met

A box of cereal showing images of the game's characters and codes for special in-game advantages is an example of Esme's potential collaboration product.

To determine which of the following options is an example of Esme’s potential collaboration product, we need to consider the nature of the collaboration between the gaming studio and the food company. Esme is working on establishing this collaboration project to promote the gaming studio's products. Now let's evaluate each option:

1. A box of cereal showing images of the game’s characters and codes for special in-game advantages: This option aligns well with the collaboration between the gaming studio and the food company. It combines the game's characters with a branded food product and offers special in-game advantages, making it an example of a potential collaboration product.

2. Branded items available for sale at a mall: While branded items at a mall can be an effective marketing strategy, it doesn't necessarily indicate a collaboration between the gaming studio and the food company. Without more information, we cannot conclude that this option demonstrates their collaboration.

3. Promotional items sent to followers on social media: Although this option involves promotional items, it doesn't specify anything about the collaboration between the gaming studio and the food company. It could be a general marketing strategy rather than a result of their collaboration.

4. Giveaways including codes for special in-game items: This option is similar to the first option, as it involves giving away special in-game items. However, it doesn't include the combination of the gaming studio's characters with a food product. Without this combination, it's less likely to be an example of a collaboration between the two companies.

Based on the available information, the best example of Esme’s potential collaboration product is a box of cereal showing images of the game’s characters and codes for special in-game advantages.