Write the equation of the graph in the form of y=mx+b that matches.

line j has a point at (0,8) and (3,0)
line k has points at (-5, -5) and (0,-3)
line l has points at (0,3) and (0,-7)

For line j, we can use the formula for the slope (m) using the two given points:

m = (y₂ - y₁) / (x₂ - x₁)
m = (0 - 8) / (3 - 0)
m = -8 / 3

Substituting the slope (m = -8/3) and one of the points (0,8) into the equation y = mx + b, we can solve for the y-intercept (b):
8 = (-8/3)(0) + b
8 = b

Therefore, the equation for line j is:
y = (-8/3)x + 8

For line k, we can find the slope (m) using the two given points:
m = (y₂ - y₁) / (x₂ - x₁)
m = (-3 - (-5)) / (0 - (-5))
m = (-3 + 5) / (0 + 5)
m = 2 / 5

Substituting the slope (m = 2/5) and one of the points (-5, -5) into the equation y = mx + b, we can solve for the y-intercept (b):
-5 = (2/5)(-5) + b
-5 = -2 + b
b = -5 + 2
b = -3

Therefore, the equation for line k is:
y = (2/5)x - 3

For line l, the x-coordinate of both given points is 0. Since the x-coordinate is constant, the equation will be in the form x = k, where k is the constant. In this case, the constant k is 0.

Therefore, the equation for line l is:
x = 0