Who did Shias think should succeed Muhammad?

a relative of Muhammad
one of the "rightly guided caliphs"
a member of the Umayyad dynasty
someone who had won many battles

Shias believe that Ali ibn Abi Talib, a relative of Muhammad and his cousin and son-in-law, should have succeeded him as the leader of the Islamic community. They believe that leadership should remain within the Prophet's family and that Ali was the rightful successor after Muhammad's death.

Which group established the first Muslim dynasty?


The Umayyads established the first Muslim dynasty. They ruled from 661-750 AD and were the first hereditary rulers of the Islamic Caliphate.

Shias believe that Ali ibn Abi Talib, who was a relative of the Prophet Muhammad and his son-in-law, should have succeeded him as the leader of the Muslim community. This belief stems from the notion of divine appointment, as they believe that the Prophet Muhammad explicitly designated Ali as his successor.

To grasp this information, one can refer to historical sources, such as books and articles that provide insights into Shia beliefs and practices. The specific beliefs and opinions of different groups within the Shia community can vary, so it may be valuable to consult multiple sources to gain a comprehensive understanding of their beliefs. By studying primary and secondary sources, one can explore the historical context, events, and teachings that shaped the Shia perspective on succession after the death of Prophet Muhammad.