Who did Shias think should succeed Muhammad? (1 point) Responses a relative of Muhammad a relative of Muhammad one of the "rightly guided caliphs" one of the "rightly guided caliphs" a member of the Umayyad dynasty a member of the Umayyad dynasty someone who had won many battles

a relative of Muhammad

Shias believe that a relative of Muhammad should have succeeded him as the leader of the Muslim community. This person is known as the Imam.

Shias believe that Ali ibn Abi Talib, who was a relative of Muhammad and his son-in-law, should have succeeded him. They consider Ali to be the rightful successor of Muhammad and the first Imam (spiritual and political leader) of the Muslim community after Muhammad's death. The belief in Ali's rightful succession is one of the key distinctions between Shias and Sunnis.

To find the answer to this question, you can consult reliable sources such as books on Islamic history, scholarly articles, or trusted websites that specialize in explaining religious sects and their beliefs. Muslim scholars and historians have extensively written about the succession of Muhammad and the different opinions among Muslims regarding his rightful successor.