A courier service charges a flat rate of $11.50 per trip plus $0.70 per mile. They charged Jones Dentistry $24.10 to deliver a package. How many miles did the courier have to travel? Please help

Let's assume the courier had to travel x miles.

The cost for the trip would then be:
Flat rate: $11.50
Cost per mile: $0.70 * x = $0.70x

Total cost = Flat rate + Cost per mile = $11.50 + $0.70x

Given that the courier charged $24.10 for the trip, we can write the equation:
$11.50 + $0.70x = $24.10

Subtracting $11.50 from both sides:
$0.70x = $12.60

Dividing both sides by $0.70:
x = $12.60 / $0.70 = 18

Therefore, the courier had to travel 18 miles.