5. A cab company charges $8 per mile for a lift to the airport. What change would the company make to their charges to make this a non proportional situation? (1 point) Responses No changes are needed No changes are needed Charge a flat rate of $10 and then $8 per mile Charge a flat rate of $10 and then $8 per mile Charge $12 per mile instead of $8 Charge $12 per mile instead of $8 Charge $4 per mile instead of $8

The company would charge a flat rate of $10 and then $8 per mile.

6. One business charges $12 per t-shirt custom made. Another business charges $11 per t-shirt plus a $20 set up fee for custom made. If you were to graph both of these scenarios on the coordinate plane, the first graph would be proportional and the second non proportional. How would you transform the first graph to make it become a non proportional graph with the same y-intercept as the second graph? (1 point) Responses Left 20 Left 20 Up 1 Up 1 Right 1 Right 1 Left 1 Left 1 Up 20 Up 20 Right 20

To transform the first graph to make it become a non-proportional graph with the same y-intercept as the second graph, you would move it up by 20 units.

To make the situation non-proportional, the cab company could charge a flat rate of $10 and then $8 per mile. This is different from the original situation where the company charges $8 per mile without a flat rate.

To determine what change the cab company would need to make to their charges in order to make this a non-proportional situation, we need to understand what it means for a situation to be proportional.

In a proportional situation, the relationship between two quantities remains constant. In this case, the quantities are the distance (in miles) and the cost of the cab ride. Currently, the cab company charges a flat rate of $8 per mile. This means that for every mile traveled, the cost of the ride increases by $8. This is a proportional situation because the cost is directly proportional to the distance.

To make this a non-proportional situation, the cab company would need to change their pricing structure so that the relationship between distance and cost is no longer constant. Looking at the given options:

1. No changes are needed: This option implies that the current pricing structure (flat rate of $8 per mile) remains the same, so it would not make the situation non-proportional.

2. Charge a flat rate of $10 and then $8 per mile: This option is essentially the same as the current pricing structure, just with a higher flat rate. It would still be a proportional situation.

3. Charge $12 per mile instead of $8: This option changes the price per mile from $8 to $12. By increasing the cost per mile, the situation becomes non-proportional. As the distance increases, the cost of the ride increases at a greater rate than before.

4. Charge $4 per mile instead of $8: This option changes the price per mile from $8 to $4. By decreasing the cost per mile, the situation becomes non-proportional. As the distance increases, the cost of the ride increases at a slower rate than before.

Based on the explanations above, the correct answer is: Charge $12 per mile instead of $8.