Ari is starting a yard service business. He charges a flat rate of $10 plus an additional $15 per hour, regardless of the service. Create a function and use a table to determine how much Ari will make if he works for 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 hours.

(1,16), (1.5,16.5), (2,17), (2.5,17.5), (3,18)

(1,5), (1.5,7.5), (2,10), (2.5,12.5), (3,15)

(1,25), (1.5,32.5), (2,40), (2.5,47.5), (3,55)

(15,1), (17.5,1.5), (20,2), (22.5,2.5), (25,3)

To determine how much Ari will make for different numbers of hours worked, we can use a function that calculates the total amount earned based on the flat rate of $10 plus the additional $15 per hour.

The function can be defined as:
def calculate_earning(hours):
return 10 + 15 * hours

Now let's use this function to calculate how much Ari will make for each given number of hours:

For 1 hour:
earning_1_hour = calculate_earning(1)
# flat rate + (additional rate * hours)
# earning_1_hour = 10 + 15 * 1
# earning_1_hour = 25
So Ari will make $25 if he works for 1 hour.

For 1.5 hours:
earning_1_5_hours = calculate_earning(1.5)
# earning_1_5_hours = 10 + 15 * 1.5
# earning_1_5_hours = 32.5
Ari will make $32.5 if he works for 1.5 hours.

Similarly, we can calculate the earnings for 2 hours, 2.5 hours, and 3 hours:

For 2 hours:
earning_2_hours = calculate_earning(2)
# earning_2_hours = 10 + 15 * 2
# earning_2_hours = 40
Ari will make $40 if he works for 2 hours.

For 2.5 hours:
earning_2_5_hours = calculate_earning(2.5)
# earning_2_5_hours = 10 + 15 * 2.5
# earning_2_5_hours = 47.5
Ari will make $47.5 if he works for 2.5 hours.

For 3 hours:
earning_3_hours = calculate_earning(3)
# earning_3_hours = 10 + 15 * 3
# earning_3_hours = 55
Ari will make $55 if he works for 3 hours.

Therefore, the table of Ari's earnings based on different hours worked can be represented as:
(1, $25)
(1.5, $32.5)
(2, $40)
(2.5, $47.5)
(3, $55)