A company charges $7. For a T - shirt and ships any order for $22. A school principal ordered a number of T - shirts for the school store. The total cost of the order was $1, 520. How many T - shirts did the principal order?

Let x be the number of T-shirts ordered.

The cost of the T-shirts is 7*x.
The total cost of the order is 7*x + 22 = $1,520.
7*x + 22 = $1,520
7*x = $1,520 - $22
7*x = $1,498
x = $1,498 / 7
x = 214
The principal ordered 214 T-shirts. Answer: \boxed{214}.

Sam's Fruit Cellar earns a $0.40 profit for each apple that it sells and a $0.40 profit for each banana that it sells. Which expression shows Sam's total profits from selling apples (a) and bananas (b)?


0.40(a + b)

0.40 + a + 0.40 + b
