A company charges $7 for a T-shirt and ships any order for $22. A school principal ordered a number of T-shirts for the school store. The total cost of the order was $1,520. How many T-shirts did the principal order? A. 69 B. 150 C. 214 D. 220

Let x be the number of T-shirts ordered.

The total cost of the T-shirts is 7x.
The total cost of the order is 7x + 22 = $1520.
So we have 7x + 22 = 1520.
Now we subtract 22 from both sides of the equation to get 7x = 1520 - 22 = 1498.
Now we divide both sides of the equation by 7 to get x = 1498 / 7 = 214.
The school principal ordered 214 T-shirts. So the answer is C.

Sam's Fruit Cellar earns a $0.40 profit for each apple that it sells and a $0.40 profit for each banana that it sells. Which expression shows Sam's total profits from selling apples (a) and bananas (b)? A. 0.40(ab) B. 0.40(a + b) C. 0.40 + a + 0.40 + b D. 0.80(ab)

Sam's total profits from selling apples (a) and bananas (b) can be calculated by multiplying the profit per apple (0.40) with the number of apples sold (a) and multiplying the profit per banana (0.40) with the number of bananas sold (b). Therefore, the expression that shows Sam's total profits is:

0.40(a) + 0.40(b)

This expression can be simplified as:

0.40(a + b)

So the answer is B. 0.40(a + b).

As part of an experiment in the science lab, a thermometer was inserted in a solution in order to measure the temperature over time. At 9:15 a.m. the temperature was –17 °C, and at 11:30 a.m. it was –26 °C. What is the difference between these two measurements? A. 8 °C B. 9 °C C. 11 °C D. 43 °C

To find the difference between the two temperatures, we subtract the initial temperature from the final temperature.

Final temperature - Initial temperature = -26 °C - (-17 °C) = -26 °C + 17 °C = -9 °C

Therefore, the difference between the two measurements is 9 °C.
The answer is B. 9 °C.

Simplify: 4x + 3 + (-3x) + 7x - 6x

A. 8x + 3

B. 2x + 3

C: 5x

D. -4x

To simplify the expression, we can combine like terms by adding or subtracting the coefficients of the same variables.

4x + 3 + (-3x) + 7x - 6x

= (4x - 3x + 7x - 6x) + 3

= (2x) + 3

= 2x + 3

Therefore, the simplified form of the expression is 2x + 3, which corresponds to option B.

simplfied version of 3(x + 5) -6x = 23

To simplify the equation 3(x + 5) - 6x = 23, we can start by distributing the 3 to the terms inside the parentheses:

3(x + 5) - 6x = 23
3x + 15 - 6x = 23

Next, we can combine like terms:

(3x - 6x) + 15 = 23
-3x + 15 = 23

To isolate the variable, we can subtract 15 from both sides of the equation:

-3x + 15 - 15 = 23 - 15
-3x = 8

To solve for x, we divide both sides of the equation by -3:

-3x / -3 = 8 / -3
x = -8/3

So, the simplified form of the equation 3(x + 5) - 6x = 23 is x = -8/3.