in which communication style is there more honesty and positive outcome

There is no one communication style that guarantees more honesty and positive outcomes in every situation, as effective communication depends on various factors such as the nature of the conversation, the individuals involved, and the cultural context. However, two communication styles that often promote honesty and positive outcomes are:

1. Assertive communication: This style involves expressing one's needs, opinions, and feelings with confidence, while respecting the rights and opinions of others. It encourages open and honest dialogue, where individuals communicate their thoughts and emotions clearly without being aggressive or passive. Assertive communication often leads to positive outcomes by fostering mutual respect, understanding, and problem-solving.

2. Nonviolent communication: Developed by Marshall Rosenberg, nonviolent communication focuses on empathetic and compassionate dialogue. This style encourages individuals to express their needs, listen actively to others, and engage in non-judgmental conversations. Nonviolent communication aims to create a safe space for open and honest expression, leading to honest communication, improved understanding, and positive outcomes through mutual satisfaction and conflict resolution.

Remember, the effectiveness of communication styles may vary depending on the situation, individuals involved, and cultural norms. It is important to adapt your communication approach based on these variables to achieve the best possible outcome.