Which of the following correctly analyzes how the cartaz system represented a departure from previous patterns of trade?(1 point)


Portuguese ports now had exclusive control of Indian Ocean trade.
Portuguese ports now had exclusive control of Indian Ocean trade.

The cartaz system made few long-lasting or impactful changes.
The cartaz system made few long-lasting or impactful changes.

Muslim and Venetian traders gained power as people bought cartazes from them.
Muslim and Venetian traders gained power as people bought cartazes from them.

Portuguese, Muslim, and Venetian traders formed an alliance to share ports and profits using the cartaz system.

Portuguese, Muslim, and Venetian traders formed an alliance to share ports and profits using the cartaz system.

To determine which of the given responses correctly analyzes how the cartaz system represented a departure from previous patterns of trade, we can examine each response and assess its accuracy.

1. "Portuguese ports now had exclusive control of Indian Ocean trade."
This statement correctly reflects the change brought about by the cartaz system. Under this system, Portuguese ports did gain control over Indian Ocean trade by requiring vessels to obtain a cartaz, or permit, to trade in certain areas. This exclusive control by Portuguese ports was a departure from previous patterns of trade.

2. "The cartaz system made few long-lasting or impactful changes."
This response does not accurately analyze the departure represented by the cartaz system. The cartaz system did bring about significant changes by granting Portuguese ports control over trade and disrupting existing trade networks.

3. "Muslim and Venetian traders gained power as people bought cartazes from them."
This statement is not accurate. The cartaz system did not contribute to the increased power of Muslim and Venetian traders. On the contrary, the cartaz system was implemented by the Portuguese to limit the power and influence of other traders, including Muslim and Venetian ones.

4. "Portuguese, Muslim, and Venetian traders formed an alliance to share ports and profits using the cartaz system."
This response is not accurate either. The implementation of the cartaz system was not a result of an alliance between Portuguese, Muslim, and Venetian traders. The cartaz system was imposed by the Portuguese to gain control over trade.

Based on the analysis, the correct response that accurately reflects how the cartaz system represented a departure from previous patterns of trade is:
- "Portuguese ports now had exclusive control of Indian Ocean trade."