2. Native American weavers often depicted abstract patterns that represented which of the following?

a. friendship
b. discovery
c. power
d. nature

d. nature

Native American weavers often depicted abstract patterns that represented all of the following options: friendship, discovery, power, and nature.

To determine the answer to this question, we can start by understanding the context of Native American weavers and their artistic expressions. Native American cultures have a rich tradition of using symbolism in their artwork, including weaving. Native American weavers often used abstract patterns to convey various meanings, including cultural values and beliefs.

To find the answer to this specific question, we need to consider the possible options provided: friendship, discovery, power, and nature. To determine which of these options Native American weavers often depicted through abstract patterns, we can analyze the nature of Native American culture and the significance of these themes.

a. Friendship: While friendship holds importance in many cultures, it is not a theme commonly associated with Native American weaving. Abstract patterns in Native American weaving typically focus on other aspects of their lives and beliefs.

b. Discovery: Discovery could be a possible theme, as Native American cultures have a deep connection to their land and history. However, it is not a primary focus when it comes to woven artwork.

c. Power: Power is an important theme in Native American cultures. Native American societies often place significance on elements such as spirituality, ancestral connections, and forces of nature. Power can be represented through abstract patterns in their weaving, making it a likely answer.

d. Nature: Nature is another strong theme in Native American cultures. Native American weavers often depict elements like animals, plants, and natural landscapes through abstract patterns, as they have a great reverence for the natural world.

Based on our analysis, both power and nature are plausible themes that Native American weavers often depict through abstract patterns. Therefore, options c. power and d. nature seem to be the most suitable answers for this question.