Deandre is riding his bicycle. He rides 12.8 kilometers in 2 hours. What is his speed?

To find Deandre's speed, we can divide the distance he rides by the time it takes him to ride that distance.

Speed = Distance / Time

Speed = 12.8 kilometers / 2 hours

Speed = 6.4 kilometers per hour

Therefore, the speed at which Deandre is riding his bicycle is 6.4 kilometers per hour.

To find Deandre's speed, you need to divide the distance he traveled by the time it took him to travel that distance.

In this case, Deandre rode 12.8 kilometers in 2 hours. To find his speed, divide the distance (12.8 km) by the time (2 hours):

Speed = Distance / Time

Speed = 12.8 km / 2 hours

To calculate the speed, you simply divide 12.8 by 2:

Speed = 6.4 km/h

Therefore, Deandre's speed is 6.4 kilometers per hour.

A construction crew has just built a new road. They built the road at a rate of 5.12 kilometers per week. They worked for 4 weeks. How many kilometers of road did they build?

To find the total distance of road built, we need to multiply the rate of construction by the number of weeks worked.

Distance = Rate * Time

Distance = 5.12 kilometers/week * 4 weeks

To calculate the distance, simply multiply 5.12 by 4:

Distance = 20.48 kilometers

Therefore, the construction crew built a total of 20.48 kilometers of road.