If the total distance covered to Cape Town was 1420 kilometers calculate the average speed in kilometers per hour at which they drove, correct to TWO decimals places

Time taken 14 hours and 20 minutes
Average speed=

To calculate the average speed in kilometers per hour, divide the total distance covered by the time taken.

Time taken in hours = 14 hours + (20 minutes / 60) hours
= 14 hours + (1/3) hours
= 14.33 hours

Average speed = Total distance / Time taken
= 1420 kilometers / 14.33 hours
≈ 99.13 kilometers per hour

Therefore, the average speed at which they drove was approximately 99.13 kilometers per hour.

To calculate the average speed, you need to divide the total distance covered by the time taken. Here's how you can do that:

Step 1: Convert the time taken to hours.
14 hours and 20 minutes can be converted to hours by dividing the minutes by 60 and adding it to the hours.
20 minutes ÷ 60 = 0.33 hours
14 hours + 0.33 hours = 14.33 hours

Step 2: Calculate the average speed.
Average speed = Total distance ÷ Time taken
Average speed = 1420 km ÷ 14.33 hours

Now, let's calculate it:
Average speed = 1420 km ÷ 14.33 hours
Average speed = 99.16 kilometers per hour (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, the average speed at which they drove to Cape Town is 99.16 kilometers per hour.

To calculate the average speed, we need to divide the total distance covered by the time taken.

First, let's convert the time taken to hours.
14 hours and 20 minutes can be written as 14.33 hours (20 minutes divided by 60 minutes in an hour).

Now we can calculate the average speed:
Average speed = Total distance / Time taken
Average speed = 1420 kilometers / 14.33 hours

Using a calculator:
Average speed ≈ 99.16 kilometers per hour (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, the average speed at which they drove is approximately 99.16 kilometers per hour.