The graph below shows the speed at different times while riding a bicycle. for how many minutes did you speed remaining constant?


As you can see I as the one who asked and no im not a scam like the one above me cause the correct answer was another one. I'll put all 5 answers for all 5 questions for connects students.

1. 3
2. about 7:25pm
3. x -5 -8 -7 y -11 -14 - 13
4. C(g) = 2.19g
5. 2.5


Can anyone like explain the answers?

To determine the number of minutes during which the speed remained constant, we need to analyze the graph provided. Here are the steps:

1. Look at the graph and find the points or intervals where the speed remains constant (i.e., the line is horizontal).

2. Identify the time values (in minutes) corresponding to these points or intervals.

3. Sum up the durations of all the time intervals where the speed remains constant.

By examining the given graph, we can see that the speed remains constant at the following time intervals:

- From 3 to 4 minutes
- From 7 to 10 minutes

To calculate the total duration during which the speed remains constant, we need to add up the durations of these two intervals:

Interval 1: 4 minutes - 3 minutes = 1 minute
Interval 2: 10 minutes - 7 minutes = 3 minutes

Therefore, the speed remains constant for a total of 1 + 3 = 4 minutes.

7 minutes