Huda’s goal is to push herself to have a moderate intensity workout according to CDC standards. How will she MOST likely know when she has achieved this goal?

(1 point)

when she reaches her maximum heart rate

when she reaches her maximum heart rate

when she reaches 77 percent of her maximum heart rate

when she reaches 77 percent of her maximum heart rate

when she reaches 64 percent of her maximum heart rate

when she reaches 64 percent of her maximum heart rate

when she reaches 53 percent of her maximum heart rate

The correct answer is: when she reaches 77 percent of her maximum heart rate.

To determine if Huda has achieved a moderate intensity workout according to CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) standards, she can use her heart rate as an indicator. The CDC recommends aiming for a target heart rate zone that falls within a certain percentage of her maximum heart rate.

To calculate her maximum heart rate, subtract her age in years from 220. For example, if Huda is 30 years old, her maximum heart rate would be 220 - 30 = 190 beats per minute.

Based on the options given, the most likely way for Huda to know when she has achieved a moderate intensity workout is when she reaches 77 percent of her maximum heart rate. This means she would need to monitor her heart rate during exercise and aim for a heart rate that is 77 percent of her calculated maximum heart rate.

If Huda's maximum heart rate is 190 beats per minute, then 77 percent of her maximum heart rate would be 190 x 0.77 = 146.3 beats per minute. Therefore, when her heart rate reaches around 146 beats per minute, she would have most likely achieved a moderate intensity workout according to CDC standards.

Huda will most likely know when she has achieved her goal of a moderate intensity workout according to CDC standards when she reaches 77 percent of her maximum heart rate.