Ali makes 8 dollars for each hour of work. Write an equation to represent his total pay p after working h hours.

The equation that represents Ali's total pay p after working h hours is:

p = 8h

The equation to represent Ali's total pay p after working h hours can be written as:

p = 8h

To write the equation that represents Ali's total pay after working h hours, we need to consider that he makes 8 dollars for each hour of work.

Since Ali's pay is directly proportional to the number of hours he works, we can use the equation:

p = 8h

In this equation, p represents Ali's total pay after working h hours. The 8 in the equation represents the 8 dollars he makes for each hour of work, and h represents the number of hours he works. By multiplying the number of hours worked (h) by the pay rate per hour (8), we can calculate Ali's total pay (p).