Anthony got a job babysitting each hour he works he will be paid eight dollars as a bonus. He will earn an additional $1.50 per hour for each child. He watches if his total hourly rate is $12.50. How many children does he watch, write an equation in the form of PX plus Q equals R to represent this problem and the box says blank X plus blank equals blank. What is the answer?

Let X be the number of children Anthony watches.

The equation is 1.50X + 8 = 12.50. The X term comes from 1.50X, where the $1.50 is the additional amount for each child, and the '+ 8' represents the $8 bonus Anthony receives each hour.
Subtracting 8 from 12.50 means 1.50X equals 4.50.
Then divide both sides by 1.5 (1.50X/1.5 = 4.50/ 1.5), and we are left with X equals 3.
Therefore, Anthony watches 3 children.